Thursday, 5 September 2013

Much mirth & merriment was had en route as we rushed through the metropolis to gain a congestion zone ticket only to discover that tickets cannot be purchased this way via shops. Following this fun few hours we met the wonderful crew &  spent all available daylight hours wrestling with a playful yurt that really had a spell put on it from playful pixies! Avoiding serious head injuries from falling poles we retired to preserve our energies for the lovely visitors who would no doubt descend on our enchanted woodland tomorrow.

Our day began with a cloud free azure blue sky which just accentuated our fairy queens beauty adding to the magic. The woodland trail was soon alive with the chatter of children & bird noise working its way to the magic of the wishing tree. The wishes were soon to envelope the tree with many sincere heartfelt thoughts of hopes and dreams. The young peoples faces & expressions showed that the magic is alive & well in their world and the grown ups present enquired what the trust was aiming to do for the children.Magic wands changed hands & wild flowers will hopefully flourish in gardens for little creatures  to enjoy.

The queen received  gifts and was pleased to see so many youngsters (including teenagers) not only eager to bring gifts & attend the queen but also expressing that they believed. The queen was flattered that children curtsied before her and several made references to her majesty!Comments were made suggesting dreams were believable, things are achievable and all you needed was a little magic. All the people we were so fortunate to have met had more than enough magic & the messages on the tree were testimony to that (ps the tree did manage to hold the weight of all the messages). Overall the three days down by the river at London zoo were magical and we are sure to meet  plenty of lovely visitors who are eager to attend the Real Halloween in October  at Holt Hall.