Tuesday, 23 July 2013

The end of Latitude 2013- with photographs

Due to more technicalitys here is Sundays update a little late!: On Sunday we had a gloriously sunny day of making Bug Bling in the Bug Bazaar and Fairy Books in the workshops. Bug Bling produced many children with sparkly arm/leg/hair/pram/whatever-you-wish decorations in four varieties: Violet ground beetle, Doc Leaf beetle, Wasp Beetle, and Ruby Tailed Wasp. The materials held out due to replenished stocks and the drop in workshop was a huge success, spreading the love of beetles around site. Fairy Books also proved very popular, as it provided children with a tiny place to store and record any flower, leaf or interesting piece of nature to treasure as their own. The fairy queen and the message tree were of course as popular as ever, by the end of Sunday afternoon the small Elder tree was covered in messages. A few photos of the Sunday makes can be found below.

On Monday we experienced high temperatures for the pack down, which produced a very speedy pack up in order for all crew to lie down in the shade! After a productive morning we managed to set off around lunchtime, with a set of tired but happy crew all in need of a good sleep. Now we are all settled at home the unloading and re-loading will soon begin for the next festival and adventure of the Fairyland Trust.

 Latitude 2013 has been a huge success for the Fairyland Trust, so thank you to all who came and visited us there! The festival has been three wonderful days full of busy workshops and drop ins which have equipped many happy children with their very own nature based make to enjoy and treasure. The crew have all been wonderful and had a brilliant time, enjoying the festivals music, beautiful surroundings, arts, performances and much more. It has all in all been a weekend to enjoy. The next festival the trust is attending and this blog will be following is The Secret Garden Party festival 2013, with the new Fairyland blogger. Stay tuned for daily updates from that one!

Bye from me! Amazon Rose- Fairyland Crew member and blogger for Latitude 2013.

Here are some photos I have quickly taken over the weekend... enjoy!

Latitude Moon
Fairyland Ben hanging up a message to the fairy's
Full moon after a sunny day at Latitude
The fairyland booth all set up
Flutterby makes
A few messages on the Elder tree
The Bug Bazaar tent
Fairyland Ayla with flutterby makes
Fairyland Ayla hiding behind makes
The Bug Bazaar and fairyland flags
Hard at work in the Bug Bazaar

The finished result!

Panorama of Latitude 2013 by the lake
Supporter signing in action
The woods in Latitude fairyland
The Elder message tree in all its glory

Fairy Queen of the forest
Fairy Queen reunion
Decorations in the Bug Bazaar tent
A happy owner of a complete set of bug bling!
The fairy Queen's baby yurt in the woods
To finish... a true message from Poppy

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